Testosterone Guide

The goal of this page is to be the ultimate testosterone guide. It will be updated and filled out with more detail as relevant new information is obtained. Please contribute any knowledge you have on the subject in the comments.


Need to greatly increase HCL production. Do this by eating more iodized sea salt. Stop eating foods such as milk especially which overly alkalize the stomach.

Caffeine depletes salt.  Four cups of coffee depletes half a teaspoon of salt. Add iodized sea salt to your coffee or to any drink mixes with caffeine. The sea salt will also reduce your cravings for carbohydrates. One hour of exercise depletes half a teaspoon of salt. http://drgundry.com/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-fat-burner-dr-james-dinicolantonio/

Reduce copper intake. Copper and Zinc need to be in the right ratios and men almost always have way too much copper. Don’t use copper and teflon cookware.

Eggs, both the yolk and the whites, are good for you. Steroid hormones (testosterone, etc.) are derived from cholesterol, and eggs have lots of cholesterol.

Cook your food. Only eat a portion raw. Source?

Lectin free

What Are Foods High in Lectins? [2023 Updated]

Beans/Legumes are estrogenic.

Cool sweet potatoes and other resistant starches after cooking them. This decreases? and increases?

Bread/sugar reduces testosterone.

Olive oil

Coconut oil


Beer is estrogenic. Hops has 8-Prenylnaringenin, an extremely potent phytoestrogen and xanthohumol, which directly blocks testosterone production inside the testes


Sprouts are bad. Alfalfa is bad.

Reverse aromatization

DIM and I3C. Bioflavanoids.

Reversing Aromatization Before it Alters Your Hormones and Increases Cancer Risk

The 7 Best Aromatase Inhibiting Foods and Herbs

Citrus bioflavanoids. Except for lime and lemons, it is better to take a citrus bioflavanoid supplement than to eat citrus fruit because of the high fructose content.

Allium family: garlic, chives, scallions, onions, and leaks.

Fats: Coconut oil, avocados, olive oil.

Herbs: thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, and turmeric. Passionflower and chamomile tea.

Cruciferous vegetables (always cooked to avoid goitrogens): cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc. Take a supplement with DIM and I3C. DIM is derived from I3C in the gut. It would take two pounds of vegetables to derive significant amounts of DIM.




Balancing hormones

Cortisol, Insulin, Leptin, Prolactin, and Estrogen are all bad. Need supplements and the proper diet to counteract.

Liver detox

Certain body types need this much more than others.

Reduce Stress/Cortisol Levels

Eliminate Sugar (including fructose and lactose)

Lower Body Fat

Intermittent Fasting

Essential Oils


Clary Sage, Thyme, and Sandalwood


Sleep (on your side, not on your stomach.)

Mattress, blue light, orthopedic pillow


Better sleep before midnight.

Posture, standing desk

Upper cervical chiropractic


Long-distance running reduces testosterone

Weight Training

Weight training increases testosterone. Barbell training with periodization. Also helps posture.

Don’t train to failure. Read Starting Strength.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) also increases testosterone, but weight training will build much more muscle which will result in greater testosterone production.


Plastic clothes are estrogenic.

Don’t wear fabrics of linen and wool mixed together. Deuteronomy 22:11.


Plastic water bottles are estrogenic

Shower water filter

Water filter

Meat fed antibiotics is estrogenic. Limit instead to 4 oz. (how much?) of grass fed meat. (see specific term for which to look.)

The new drug” and onanism(spilling of seed) decreases testosterone. Physiognomy is real. (self-cuckery). Don’t look at pictures of women on the internet. At all.

The grave and destruction are never satisfied: in like manner the eyes of men are insatiable. He who hath staring eyes, and fools who cannot govern their tongue; are an abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 27:20 (Charles Thomson’s English translation of the Septuagint)

Mind. Stop seeking the approval of women. Stop caring what women think. Maintain a mindset of dominance and rulership. Meditate on scripture. The Bible commands us to be manly.

Do masculine activities.

Work a masculine job.

Wear masculine clothes.

Cold Showers

Wim Hof breathing method.



Always look for the most bio-available supplements. Make them more effective by taking Bioperine (piperine from black pepper) and Astragin.

Supplement list:

Every day and most important.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2 (MK4 and MK7)

Magnesium (glycinate and threonate)

Cramping is primarily caused by a lack of magnesium.

Zinc, Selenium

Fat soluble vitamins (ADEK)

Vitamin C

Ashwaganda – reduces cortisol levels

Trace minerals – iodized sea salt, dulse (not kelp)

Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA

Manganese – needed for joints. Probably not much is needed.

Brewer’s yeast (sugar beets molasses. Probably has too much iron), chlorella and spirulina (not good?), bone broth(toxic metals?)

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is used to form collagen, a protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It is also essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of people’s cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Vitamin C will keep testosterone levels high by supporting a lower ratio of cortisol to testosterone.

It helps in protein metabolism. It not only provides our body with certain necessary proteins but also blocks the synthesis of vital proteins that cause infection and inflammation. https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/vitamin-c-the-vitamin-you-need-to-succeed.html

Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)

Adequate levels of vitamin D3 support cognition, mood, bone structure, and testosterone levels. Deficiencies in vitamin D3 are common, and result in lower testosterone levels.

Vitamin K2

Menaquinone-4 enhances testosterone production in rats and testis-derived tumor cells

Vitamin K deficiency reduces testosterone production in the testis through down-regulation of the Cyp11a a cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme in rats


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Boron (as Boron Citrate)

Over time, Boron supplementation has been attributed to increased levels of free testosterone and a reduction in free testosterone binding globulin [42, 43].


Zinc (as Zinc AAC)

Zinc supplementation is essential to any aggressive athlete and contributes to a strong immune system, maximal testosterone production, and extensive enzymatic processes.

Sufficient zinc intake supports healthy food cravings, while zinc deficiencies have been associated with lack of hunger [44]. Overwhelming evidence has suggested a relationship between zinc supplementation and maximal testosterone levels in men [45, 46, 47].

PreSeries BULK Pre-Workout

Green Tea

Participants who used the green tea for the 90 day period had increased their levels of HGH by an incredible margin of 320% compared to only 20% of those who used the placebo. The participants who were using the green tea product also had their IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) increase by 24% compared to only 15% with the placebo users.

The green tea users lost nearly three times as much weight as the placebo group as well. IGF-1 happened to be shown to be more reliable than HGH when it comes to detailing changes in hormones. That being said, both IGF-1 and HGH levels were increased when green tea products were used.

The results in the study did take somewhat of a long time to appear though, only showing up until around the end of the study time limit (90 days).

The Surprising Effects of Green Tea on Growth Hormone



Turmeric increases testosterone production. Always take with piperine for absorption. Or take Theracurmin and Longvida, and NovaSOL. https://www.superfoodly.com/best-turmeric-curcumin-supplement/

  1. Blocks estrogen on a cellular level
  2. Increases the processing of cholesterol in the liver
  3. Activates vitamin D receptors
  4. Accelerates fat loss
  5. Promotes healthy testicular leydig cell functionality
  6. Improves insulin sensitivity



Creatine Supplement Benefits & Side Effects (Kidney, Cancer)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Take Omega-3 fish oil

Stop recommending Flax as source of Omega 3’s. Humans need EPA or DHA versions of Omega 3. Flax provides ALA, which needs to be converted to EPA or DHA. Unfortunately, the conversion rate is extremely low – less than 10%, so for dietary purposes, Flax is not a significant source of USABLE Omega 3. Instead, please recommend ALGAE based Omega 3’s.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Exposing The Scam: Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


BPA – tin cans, plastic bottles, receipts
Dry cleaning chemicals
Bleached feminine hygiene products

phytoestrogens such as soy, flax and many beans. Additionally, consume lots of cruciferous veggies and in particular broccoli sprouts which have tons of I3C and DIM which help to detoxify bad estrogen metabolites that cause problems with estrogen/testosterone balance.

I also recommend steamed crucifers (brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc.) with grass-fed butter/ghee melted over the top and added herbs.

Practice Deep Breathing:  Deep breathing can help calm an overactive sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and relax the body.  This lowers stress hormone and enhances the production of sex hormones like testosterone that are needed for growth and repair.  Check this article out for more info on deep breathing.

Eat Spinach and Garlic:  Spinach contains its own type of plant based steroids called phytoecdysteroids.  These unique compounds protect the spinach plant from plant-parasitic nematodes.  They also help to balance blood sugar, stabilize stress hormone and boost testosterone (16, 17).

Garlic has been shown to improve testosterone output in rats on a high protein diet (18).  Since a testosterone boosting nutrition plan should naturally be higher in quality proteins it makes sense to use lots of garlic as well.

Use Aswaghanda:  This adaptogenic herb has been shown to reduce stress hormone, increase DHEA and boost testosterone levels.  I recommend using it in combination with bone broth protein

12 Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally


Gut Biome


Take lots of prebiotic fiber: acacia fiber, green banana flour, inulin, and guar gum.

Your gut biome heavily controls your behavior.

Don’t use mouthwash since it indiscriminately kills good bacteria in your mouth which where digestion starts.

Good toothpaste: https://www.hyperbiotics.com/products/activated-charcoal-probiotic-toothpaste

The cumulative effect of doing all of these things is very great. Weight training and diet will have the largest impact. Applying the pareto principle, if we suppose that 80% is due to diet and weight training, the last 20% will take the most effort and require the most lifestyle changes.